Monday, April 21, 2008


The entirety of the universe is dictated by a master algorithm. All the evidence points to this. The way galaxies form, the way stars orbit, the was gas clouds collapse under their gravity...the list goes on.
Even on a more human scale. People are predictable. Every little neuron firing and every chemical enduced signal is caused by some outside event, if not a memory, then a current event (current meaning something happening at that very moment).
We do things based on our past. Now even if you think "well i'll do soemthing random to disprove you, Chax!" Then you just did that "random" thing to try disprove me... and thus you just did something because of something else...not random, which just further proves determinism true.
Even dice are not random. If when a die was thrown you knew the exact speed the die was moving, how fast it was spinning, what directions it was moving and spinning and what the initial position of the die was, you could predict exactly what side it would land on.
The only reason things seem random and like choice is because we are not omniscient.
Now does this mean I believe in fate or destiny? Yes and no. I do not believe we have a reason for doing things...maening there is no ultimate goal designated by a god or soemthing of that nature. We are simply predetermined by the logics and maths of the universe to do what we are doing. There is no intrinsic purpose. I am typing this blog untimately because of the big bang. Cause and effect times 9308947923849387498374983749384.

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